Doll-Making Work Surface

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DIY Work Surface

For amigurumi, crochet, and doll making

When making amigurumi, you usually end up with a pile of little pieces, parts, limbs, and other bits I will lose in the couch every time. Sewing is also tricky sometimes, and feels like you need 4 arms. I’ve solved this with a simple piece of foam and some crafty odds and ends.

You will need:

  • Foam block

  • Silky Fabric

  • Pins, pins, pins

  • Elastic band scraps

  • Carabiner or keyring for a scissor leash

I believe the foam came from some packaging. The kind of stuff you get shipped in a box and you’re like “dang this is some nice useful-looking trash, I better keep it forever.”

The foam alone was very abrasive on crocheted pieces. I put a pillowcase on it- and found the cotton still too rough, and was felting crocheted pieces with too much contact. Then I found some old scraps of this fancy silky fabric, and that did the trick. Go for a smooth, silky fabric.

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  • Wrap your foam block up like a present.

My scrap wasn’t big enough to cover it entirely, but whatever. Use short pins liberally to keep everything together. You could maybe glue it, but I know a lot of foam is weird when it comes to adhesives. I’ve been using this just pinned for years and don’t have any problems. Just make sure they’re the little pins…. and probably keep it away from little kids.

  • Pin on elastic straps as accessory holders

I’ve got one that holds a hook on top, and one that holds my lil scissors on the side. I’ve also chained my scissors to the block with a mini carabiner and a cord I made out of yarn. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve saved not losing my scissors!

The cool thing about this is how flexible and modular it is! You can add straps, move em’ around, until it’s perfect for how you like to work. It’ll hold your working pins, and smaller yarn needles. I’ve also thought of gluing a magnet under the fabric in a corner, but haven’t gotten to it.

It’s great for lining pieces up to see how something is coming along, holding your pieces in place while you sew, keeping a pile of little feet and arms safe, and makes hair wefts a breeze!

Slipknot each end of the master strand, pin them to the surface, and weft away!

Slipknot each end of the master strand, pin them to the surface, and weft away!
